405 Tidwell Dr, Alpharetta, GA, 30004
Mon-Fri 07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
405 Tidwell Dr, Alpharetta, GA, 30004
Mon-Fri 07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
10 Jul, 2024

Peter Meer Shares His Story of Starting in the Electrical Field

When the family business spans generations, it’s hard not to want to carry on that legacy-especially when you love the work. Peter Meer’s grandfather was an electrician for more than 20 years, and his father founded Meer Electric in 1984. With two success-story examples, Meer joined in and has been with them since 1989.

“I enjoy putting things together and making things work, and seeing the things that I install function,” Meer said. “I also enjoy teaching the next generation all of the skills and knowledge that I have learned throughout the years.”

According to Meer there is a high potential for success in this trade because of the shortage of workers able to do it. Well, and the fact that everyone needs electricity. Essentially, it is a job that will never go away.

As with most trades, the sooner you start, the sooner you can start making money. It’s also something you can start right out of high school, and this field does not require a college education; instead you can work while you’re in apprenticeship school. Another perk to starting earlier is the potential to move up faster in your position and make more money. “Trades are a full-time-job-and-then-some position,” Meer added. “To be an electrician is a nonstop job.”

“I wouldn’t change anything that I have done.” Meer said. “I have learned a ton and am proud of the company that we have built”

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